Thursday, July 25, 2013

An honest realization

Back Story

For one of the companies that I work with I manage code developed by a predecessor. Some of it is great, but there is a great deal of redundant code spread across a huge store of files. This often means hours of searching file to find a couple of lines of redundant code that needs updated. Slowly the code is becoming more modular, but with a vast working system that takes time. A couple of months ago I was addressing some file upload issues that needed tweaking. Basically, because of the type being hard-coded and the introduction of a new type of file the system was having issues retrieving some of the uploads. Simple fix (change the file structure to be a bit more dynamic) was complicated by the redundant code.

Note: I may go on about the headache of searching for those stray lines, but if I didn't enjoy it I would have found another line of work. It's actually a lot of fun at times. It does get really annoying to have to take the time out of new projects, but the payoff when I get it right is inspiring!

Last Week

Early last week I was approached by one of the managers for this company. Although he was aware that I had address the file upload issue it was happening again. He was curious about what would cause it to start again and so was I. Off I went to find out who was messing with my code (cause that makes since, right?) and found the problem pretty quick. Turns out that the upload problem was hard-coded into several pages in addition to the includes that I had originally discovered. Real simple fix - I just edited the code to look at the new include when uploading. Found a couple more files that had the same calls and routed them to the include and stamped it all done!

The important thing here has nothing to do with the code. It wasn't all that complex as far as debugging issues. The real value came when I informed that customer that the problem was because of an oversight on my part. This man was honestly taken by surprise. He has become so accustom to so many blaming the other that he actually asked if I had just admitted to making a mistake. Sure I had. After all we all do it and this was a really small one. Who has spent any real time driving application development and not had to go back and make a change? So, I overlooked some changes that needed made, adjusted it once found later, and then fessed up to my little mistake.

Take Away

So...the real take away? If you make a mistake how much time do you spend trying to think of a way to justify it, or worse blame it on someone else? It doesn't matter if I wrote the original code. I took the responsibility to make that adjustment and missed the mark. I continued until it was right and then admitted that I should have found it the first go round.

My theory is that going forward the customer will trust my word. I can keep it that way by my word and deed. He will go on to tell others and when the conversation comes around to that guy that never makes a mistake "to hear him tell it" my customer will spread the word about his guy. The one who will work to fix an issue and tell you if he caused it.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Short Notice

Could you speak, tonight?

There are very few crunch situations that I would recommend experiencing. Even fewer that I would recommend you, and hope that I experience periodically. Recent I discovered that if you really know the materials that you are going to speak on there is no better way to do it. Sure, it can be a bit intimidating to think about and that is exactly why I think it is important to be in that situation at least once. With no time to script out what you want to say you may just be able to pull something out that would have been missed in a well plan dialog. Plus, it's just more natural!

There are a few things that rightly happen when we know that we are going to address any group. From your 8 year-old's career day to a keynote address in front of congress if we know we are going to speak we pull out the other self. The that almost fits. The one that is stuffed away in the closet or living in a travel-bag if you speak a lot. That version of you is all suit and glam. Not the you that is around everyday, but the you that is engineered to put on the best show that can be planned. Okay, so maybe you are a great speaker. That doesn't always translate into the best you up there.


What do I have to back that up? Experience. Said experience assumes that you are in the right frame of mind and (warning:most-important) that you actually know the material. That is where the biggest fear comes in. Do I know it? Will I forget something? Did I just bust a zipper? A thousand questions driven by fear that you will not do your best. The idea behind the short notice keynote is that you don't get the change to spend hours worrying over the preparation. There you are, just you and the space between your ears. You got this!

Okay, so the short notice speech isn't for everyone. Some people can't even deal with a simple introduction that they have weeks to prepare for. Nothing wrong with that at all, but if you can approach a simple non-presentation talk on short notice imagine the confidence you will built for one-on-one conversations with your boss. What extra oomph will you be able to bring to the next client meeting. You may not want to bring all of you into everything; restraint can be a good friend, but a little of you can add to whatever your doing. After all, you're the one who made it this far - maybe a little of you should be involved in all "this far" entails.

Monday, July 15, 2013

UP, UP, and Away

There is a thought that I come back to from time to time. A question that seems to bounce in my head, randomly (sometimes pointedly) popping up in the little "look at me now" bin of my conscious mind. That question is simple. What's next? As simple as it is may seem it isn't so easily answered to my satisfaction and I hope it never is.

Occasionally, that question grows broad and yet more directed. What's next for us? Not just me, my family, and community. Not even just what's next for the country but, for humanity. Is there a great leap ahead?

So maybe I have more inquiries than a four year old in the why stage on a trip to the museum, but it's all part of the fun. If you promise not to tell anyone I'll let you in on a secret. That's why I started programming, networking, reading, writing, and almost every other "ing" in my life. I was curious about that, and that, and that - so I looked into it. I see that as the next great leap. Feeding the curiosity without worry of the cost. I do this because I want to but I also go to work because I want nice things like a roof and food (those are nice things if you've ever done without them).

Maybe I just watched to much Star Trek and like the idea of humanity reaching out into the stars, into the depths of the sea, into the soul of wonder, just because we can and want to too. With no hope of anything other than shared joy and expansion on knowledge. That's the currency of the future by the way. Knowledge. Tonight I feel a little like The most interesting man in the world - I don't always feel this inspired, but when I do get the idea.

Part of it is just a mood, but part is what we will call circumstantial inspiration. Anyway, that's a story for another day, but I came across this article from the Huffington Post (thanks Alex P.) and it got me thinking about the possibilities of tomorrow. What happens when we are 30, 60, or 90 days from blast-off-to-return-landing, from Mars?

It seems that round trips so quickly could open up the heavens in terms of reaching out, exploring, and coming closer together. Sure, it might be a lofty idea, but if your going to dream why not dream big. Let's all go to the next universe together. No one is getting paid, we all share the same space toilet (where you can be one of the guys too ladies - congratulations), and the quarters will be cramped. Who's in?

Okay, so I just made the last bit up (except for sharing the toilet), but would you still want to come? The point is this. If you had the opportunity to do the most amazing think ever. Live out a dream (even if you just discovered you always loved it), but with no pay or fringe benefits would you take the chance? Is the future of man the continuation of commercial growth or are we headed toward a place of shared enlightenment where we are simply trying to become the best people possible?

I came into this; as I've told you, like a four year old, full of questions. I still don't have the answer, maybe you do.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A little help cleaning your computer

I've put together a little help document (mostly to help out my brother) for using a simple, well known tool to clean your computer up a bit. I thought that I would share it here because it answers a question that I get a lot. "How do I clean up my computer?"

This isn't in depth coverage of an advanced topic and chances are that many of you are already aware of the usefulness (even for simple cleaning of files and the registry) that Piriform's Ccleaner offers. After all, the software has been around for some years now and has been the go to for many to keep their computer running a little smoother. On the other hand I have countless friends, co-workers, and the occasional person who want a little advise as soon as they find out I know anything about computers.

Besides all that. I like to create simple little docs that may help someone, somewhere - solve a problem and feel like they've accomplished something.

So here's the link -> Cleaner Basics

I hope that it is helpful to you, or someone you know. If your a super-wiz-IT-guru what doesn't understand the need for this little doc just keep it in mind when your favorite aunt calls for a little help. On the other hand if your the aunt of an engineer who doesn't have time to help you clean you computer - your welcome. I once had a professor who said everyone who uses a computer should know a few basic things about maintenance. Maybe this will help you get started.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Brand new Microsoft?

With its latest efforts at restructuring, Microsoft is attempting to tie everything together into the unified group that it will need to be in order to maintain growth and stay ahead of innovation. The problem for some time has been getting the technology developed out to the customer while it is still relevant.

The focus, according to a Steve Ballmer press release on July 11 (ms press release) is to unit Microsoft while recreating teams in a way that will ideally include members from enough sections to allow projects to move through approvals faster. Sounds like a solid plan, let's hope it works.

Steve sees a Microsoft that will come out of the calender year more nimble, communicative, decisive, and motivated with better collaboration. The understanding that "the final piece of the puzzle is how we work together," to meet the company goals and serve customers sounds like a solid place to start. Lets hope that it develops into what it has the potential to be once again.

An honest realization

Back Story For one of the companies that I work with I manage code developed by a predecessor. Some of it is great, but there is a great d...