Thursday, July 25, 2013

An honest realization

Back Story

For one of the companies that I work with I manage code developed by a predecessor. Some of it is great, but there is a great deal of redundant code spread across a huge store of files. This often means hours of searching file to find a couple of lines of redundant code that needs updated. Slowly the code is becoming more modular, but with a vast working system that takes time. A couple of months ago I was addressing some file upload issues that needed tweaking. Basically, because of the type being hard-coded and the introduction of a new type of file the system was having issues retrieving some of the uploads. Simple fix (change the file structure to be a bit more dynamic) was complicated by the redundant code.

Note: I may go on about the headache of searching for those stray lines, but if I didn't enjoy it I would have found another line of work. It's actually a lot of fun at times. It does get really annoying to have to take the time out of new projects, but the payoff when I get it right is inspiring!

Last Week

Early last week I was approached by one of the managers for this company. Although he was aware that I had address the file upload issue it was happening again. He was curious about what would cause it to start again and so was I. Off I went to find out who was messing with my code (cause that makes since, right?) and found the problem pretty quick. Turns out that the upload problem was hard-coded into several pages in addition to the includes that I had originally discovered. Real simple fix - I just edited the code to look at the new include when uploading. Found a couple more files that had the same calls and routed them to the include and stamped it all done!

The important thing here has nothing to do with the code. It wasn't all that complex as far as debugging issues. The real value came when I informed that customer that the problem was because of an oversight on my part. This man was honestly taken by surprise. He has become so accustom to so many blaming the other that he actually asked if I had just admitted to making a mistake. Sure I had. After all we all do it and this was a really small one. Who has spent any real time driving application development and not had to go back and make a change? So, I overlooked some changes that needed made, adjusted it once found later, and then fessed up to my little mistake.

Take Away

So...the real take away? If you make a mistake how much time do you spend trying to think of a way to justify it, or worse blame it on someone else? It doesn't matter if I wrote the original code. I took the responsibility to make that adjustment and missed the mark. I continued until it was right and then admitted that I should have found it the first go round.

My theory is that going forward the customer will trust my word. I can keep it that way by my word and deed. He will go on to tell others and when the conversation comes around to that guy that never makes a mistake "to hear him tell it" my customer will spread the word about his guy. The one who will work to fix an issue and tell you if he caused it.

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An honest realization

Back Story For one of the companies that I work with I manage code developed by a predecessor. Some of it is great, but there is a great d...