Monday, July 15, 2013

UP, UP, and Away

There is a thought that I come back to from time to time. A question that seems to bounce in my head, randomly (sometimes pointedly) popping up in the little "look at me now" bin of my conscious mind. That question is simple. What's next? As simple as it is may seem it isn't so easily answered to my satisfaction and I hope it never is.

Occasionally, that question grows broad and yet more directed. What's next for us? Not just me, my family, and community. Not even just what's next for the country but, for humanity. Is there a great leap ahead?

So maybe I have more inquiries than a four year old in the why stage on a trip to the museum, but it's all part of the fun. If you promise not to tell anyone I'll let you in on a secret. That's why I started programming, networking, reading, writing, and almost every other "ing" in my life. I was curious about that, and that, and that - so I looked into it. I see that as the next great leap. Feeding the curiosity without worry of the cost. I do this because I want to but I also go to work because I want nice things like a roof and food (those are nice things if you've ever done without them).

Maybe I just watched to much Star Trek and like the idea of humanity reaching out into the stars, into the depths of the sea, into the soul of wonder, just because we can and want to too. With no hope of anything other than shared joy and expansion on knowledge. That's the currency of the future by the way. Knowledge. Tonight I feel a little like The most interesting man in the world - I don't always feel this inspired, but when I do get the idea.

Part of it is just a mood, but part is what we will call circumstantial inspiration. Anyway, that's a story for another day, but I came across this article from the Huffington Post (thanks Alex P.) and it got me thinking about the possibilities of tomorrow. What happens when we are 30, 60, or 90 days from blast-off-to-return-landing, from Mars?

It seems that round trips so quickly could open up the heavens in terms of reaching out, exploring, and coming closer together. Sure, it might be a lofty idea, but if your going to dream why not dream big. Let's all go to the next universe together. No one is getting paid, we all share the same space toilet (where you can be one of the guys too ladies - congratulations), and the quarters will be cramped. Who's in?

Okay, so I just made the last bit up (except for sharing the toilet), but would you still want to come? The point is this. If you had the opportunity to do the most amazing think ever. Live out a dream (even if you just discovered you always loved it), but with no pay or fringe benefits would you take the chance? Is the future of man the continuation of commercial growth or are we headed toward a place of shared enlightenment where we are simply trying to become the best people possible?

I came into this; as I've told you, like a four year old, full of questions. I still don't have the answer, maybe you do.

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